Secrets to Looking Younger

Secrets to Looking Younger

Am I the only one that LOVES birthdays? My birthday is in January and I celebrate the whole entire month!  I’ve always been a huge fan of birthdays because it’s YOUR day and my Mom made them special for us growing up, so I continued the tradition into...
10 Holistic Ways to Manage S.A.D

10 Holistic Ways to Manage S.A.D

The center of Holistic Health and Medicine is looking at all the factors that are impacting your health and well-being. This includes your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and nutritional health. When one is off, it impacts the other areas as well, and could...
What’s Causing Your Cravings?

What’s Causing Your Cravings?

Our bodies are magnificent, intelligent machines and tell us everything that we need. There’s on caveat.….we gotta listen. See, the body is designed to give us signals like when it’s time to eat, drink more water or when something is off within our bodies like illness...