Watch Let’s talk about Balance. Balance is a buzzword these days, commonly spoken about in terms of work-life balance. But when I speak of balance, I’m coming from a physiological perspective, because...
I’m sure that, by the title of this blog, you, like most people, are overly concerned about your weight and that’s partially for good reason, since half of the population is either overweight or obese. However, obsessing over your weight can also be...
The center of Holistic Health and Medicine is looking at all the factors that are impacting your health and well-being. This includes your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and nutritional health. When one is off, it impacts the other areas as well, and could...
Do you consider yourself a Yo-Yo’er? Given the context, I’m sure you can guess what I’m talking about. If not, let me explain. When I’m talking about a Yo-Yo’er, I’m not talking about the person who actually plays with a toy yo-yo. I’m talking about the person who is...
It’s been an interesting year to say the least. There’s been a lot of changes, ups and downs and uncertainty. And when we experience sudden change or uncertainty like we have in 2020, it typically causes a lot of stress, worry and anxiety. So I wanted to discuss what...